So Christ is our salvation – we simply accept Him as our Deliverer and Savior by faith. Remember the “good news” – God made Christ to be the propitiation for our sins – that is, God made Christ responsible for our sins they were all placed upon Him and God dealt with them and punished them in His Son. If He is not, you are living in sin – that is the essence of sin. As a believer, are you truly enjoying God? Is He the center of your life? He is meant to be. “This is life eternal, to know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has sent” (Jn 17:3). “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23).

We must understand that this “self” of ours – this other man within us has got to be handled do not listen to him! turn on him! speak to him! remind him of what you know! So rather than listening to him and allowing him to drag you down and depress you – you must take control!ĭeliverance from spiritual depression begins with an understanding of “justification,” not sanctifi-cation, as one might suspect.

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The main problem in the whole matter of “spiritual depression” in a sense is this – we allow our “self” to talk to us instead of “talking to ourself.” Most unhappiness in life is due to the fact that we “listen to ourselves” instead of “talking to ourselves.” David, in effect, says, “Self, listen for a moment to what I have to say – why are you so cast down?” The main art in the matter of spiritual living is to know how to handle yourself, question yourself, and preach to yourself – you must remind yourself who God is, and what God has done, and what God has promised to do – this is the essence of the treatment in a nutshell. Notice the psalmist addresses himself – “he talks to himself,” and herein he discovers the cure. When we get depressed it is because we have “forgotten God” – hence the psalmist says to himself, “Hope thou in God!” (Ps 42:5) Introspective individuals seem to be highly centered on themselves. The danger for such people is to become “morbid.” The great Henry Martyn was this type of man – he was a highly introspective, an introvert who suffered from an obvious tendency to morbidity. In the natural realm there is the type of person who is always analyzing himself, analyzing everything he does. Some of the greatest saints are introverts the extrovert is generally a more superficial person. Watch the new visual below, and you can pick up the single on iTunes now.The psalmist David writes, “Why are you cast down, O my soul” (Ps 42:5) – David was sad, troubled, perplexed, disquieted, unhappy and spiritually depressed – a very common condition obviously he felt overwhelmed within himself. The Payne Lindsay-directed visual was shot on 8MM film in Atlanta, capturing Lloyd walking through neighborhoods, and posted up in an old country house while singing about life’s many complexities. “But in life there’s always a chance to grow from the struggle, from the pain, from the realness.

“I lost it all,” Lloyd says on the intro of the song. It’s basically me bleeding my heart out to the music.”Īnd bleed his heart out he did on the soulful, confessional. League, who produced the track and I wrote it with my good friend Shakespeare. I wanted to shed light on that and I wanted to go towards that light and not run away from it. There is only lessons to be learned and character to be built. “It’s really about embracing the idea that there’s never failure. It’s about speaking truthfully and honestly on your life and not shying away from your imperfections,” he told BET. R&B crooner Lloyd surprised fans everywhere this past May with the release of his introspective comeback song, “ Tru.” Today, the singer/songwriter premieres the anticipated music video.Īfter a lengthy hiatus to pursue his high school diploma and focus on his family, Lloyd is excited to share new music, and a new perspective with his fans.